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VSport – Training Toolkit and Curriculum finalized!

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project “VSport – Volunteering in Sports” the consortium has finalized the VSport Toolkit and Training Curriculum which can be downloaded HERE!

Sport managers are looking for volunteers who are both passionate and have the necessary skills to carry out the tasks that meet the sports organizations’ objectives. The goal is to recruit and attract volunteers that are motivated and eager to participate. In fact, organizations that take the time to implement organized volunteer programs are more likely to enjoy greater volunteer retention and engagement. It is well known that prepared volunteers are happy volunteers.

But who is responsible for the implementation of volunteer programs within sport organizations? Many sports clubs and associations which are the backbone of local communities are managed by volunteers. The term ‘volunteering’ covers a diverse range of activities, and it includes both members who volunteer in the positions as coaches, administrators, and committee members within sports clubs, but also sport volunteers who help running specific sports events and other activities. Since the latter are usually not formal members of the organization but are involved in short-term activities their involvement requires a highly organized approach hence the importance of educating professionals within the sports sector for the position of a volunteer manager. Within this training guide/ toolkit we offer strategies for developing an effective training program for volunteer managers with the sole purpose to educate volunteer managers and/or further improve their abilities to identify, attract, retain, and recognize volunteers involved in various activities related to sport event organization.

More information on the project can be found at the project website and on Facebook and Instagram under #vsporterasmus.

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