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ORIENT - Partner meeting and Multi-Stakeholder event in Graz

Graz, Austria: Partner Meeting and Multi-Stakeholder Event of the ORIENT-Project on June 13-14, 2023. On June 13, partners from Graz, Austria: Partner Meeting and Multi Stakeholder Event of the ORIENT-Project on 13th and 14th June 2023. On June 13, partners from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy met for the final preparations before the multi-stakeholder event that took place next day.

The event at the ASVÖ Steiermark premises in Graz, started in the morning with students from schools in Graz taking the opportunity to try out orienteering under the guidance of coaches and athletes. In the afternoon project partners were sharing results and experiences of the ORIENT project and discovering the local context together with the Orienteering Club Graz, the Austrian Orienteering Association, policy makers and many others interested in the topic. The aim was to strengthen the cooperation between the different stakeholders and to promote social inclusion. The official part of the event ended with a get-together and international networking of the guests. Finally, the Orienteering Club Graz organized a race in the evening, where newcomers and people interested in orienteering could compete with the athletes and test the newly established route around the event location in Brauquartier Puntigam.

More information on the project can be found at: ORIENT | Young explorers re-discover local communities through (

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