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Cafe Europa Westbalkan

KnowHub project progress and consortium meeting

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project “KnowHub – Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity” the first part of the fifth consortium meeting took place on October 11 and the second part on October 15, 2021. Due to COVID-19 the meeting took place online again.

During the meeting, the project progress regarding upcoming activities and responsibilities of each partner were discussed. The coordinator FHJ presented the overall project progress, and the work package leaders gave an overview on their individual work packages and the upcoming activities.

In WP5 the training on entrepreneurship and innovation for university academic staff took place in person at the FHJ in Graz, Austria in mid-September. During the training the academic staff from all partner country universities were trained on topics such as strategic planning, creativity and innovation, and how to embed entrepreneurial skills in teaching. In a workshop the academic staff could work on the development of their own EntreEdu Concepts. The training was complemented by a study visit to the Science Park Graz and the Café Europa Westbalkan – Know-how transfer between Styria and the Western Balkans which was co-organised by the Styrian Regional Government, the FHJ and the Internationalisation Center Styria promoting the objectives of the KnowHub project.

Another important upcoming activity will be the STEM (self)employment Bootcamp for students at the University of Girona, Spain. Provided the COVID-19 regulations allow the organization of this boot camp, the students will be trained on the main principles of entrepreneurship and innovation and how to develop their innovative potential and entrepreneurial spirit.

For more information on the project, please visit

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