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KnowHub consortium meeting and project progress

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project “KnowHub – Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity” the fourth consortium meeting took place on May 7, 2021. Due to COVID-19 the meeting took place online.

During the meeting, the project progress regarding upcoming activities and responsibilities of each partner was discussed. The coordinator FHJ presented the overall project progress, and the work package leaders their individual work packages and the upcoming activities. FHJ also gave an overview of the reporting templates and other requirements for the interim report to the EACEA.

During the first part of the consortium meeting, which was about project management and the reporting guidelines, the two assigned EACEA project officers for the KnowHub project were also present. They gave valuable input and clarified open questions from the consortium.

The partner universities are now in the process of procuring the equipment for the Commercialization Hubs. The hubs will serve as places for cooperation with enterprises as well as support of students and academic staff to commercialize their research results and entrepreneurial ideas. Also, the universities are currently working on the finalization of the Business and Activity Plans and the Portfolio of Services and Instruments for their individual hubs.

For more information on the project, please visit

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