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HERAS study visit

HERAS Applied Science Study Visit

Graz/Vienna, 9-12 September 2019. A group of eight participants - consisting of students, teaching staff and management of public universities in Kosovo - took part in a study visit on applied science. All participants were coordinators of small projects on applied science, funded through the HERAS project. The study visit facilitated direct contacts and networking opportunities between participants from Kosovo and Austrian institutions (universities, industry, start-ups) with a view to integrate knowledge, experience and lessons learned from Austrian partners as feasible. During the visit current practices, experiences, opportunities and challenges in implementing an applied study approach were presented. Furthermore, the visit provided a platform for discussing opportunities, challenges, and entry points for strengthening an applied study approach in Kosovo and enhancing cooperation between university and industry. Participants visited the following institutions: University of Applied Science, FH Joanneum Graz, Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH, Karl Franzens Universität Graz (Uni-ETC), BDO/TTL (Graz) and University of Vienna (Anti-aging platform).

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