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UNIMIG_study visit to Austria, Graz/Vienna 29th-31st October, 2012

Graz/Wien. Within the framework of the project UNIMIG - Migration and Higher Education - Building Skills and Capacities a group of representatives from Tbilisi State University, Yerevan State University and Khazar University visited the Universityof Graz and the EMN NCP/IOM (European Migration Network/National Contact Point Austria).

The main objective of the study visit was to provide the participants with an insight into the working methods of specialized competence centers being integral parts of an institution of higher education (University). The participants, who in the last consequence will be responsible for the organization of the Migration Competence Centers (MCCs) that have been established under the framework of the UNIMIG Project at three Universities in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, shall have the possibility to get to know three competence centers at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz during the first two days of the visit. Representatives will explain the working structures, the methodology, the visions etc. of their institutions and will give participants the possibility to learn more about the organization and functioning of such centers of excellence. The second day was dedicated to presentations concerning research methods and data analysis both by experts from the Institute of International Law of the University of Graz and the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy.

The last day of the study visit aimed to introduce the participants into the work of the EMN NCP/ national IOM office in Vienna. Participants will get an overview over the European Migration Network, its objectives, its methodology and how the structures there could be used as example and be adapted to the MCCs.  

To view the agenda click here: 

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