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R&D Capacities: meeting of the group for drafting the Strategy for Research and Development of the UP

Prishtina. The ninth meeting of the “Small Group” for developing the Strategy for Research and Development of the University of Prishtina within the Project “Creating R&D Capacities and Instruments for boosting Higher Education - Economy Cooperation”, was held yesterday at WUS Austria, Prishtina Office.

After developing the first draft of the Strategy for Research and Development of the University of Prishtina, at the beginning of September a workshop will be organized with a “Wider Group” consisting of 20 persons, including three members of WUS Austria’s staff (the complete list of the group members can be downloaded here).

According to the work plan, it is foreseen that the Strategy for Research and Development of the University of Prishtina will be finished at the beginning of October, 2011.


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