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On Friday, 24 March 2006 a seminar called Raising Bologna Process Awareness in B&H was held at ACCESS center in Sarajevo for the representatives of all B-H media.

The seminar represented a continuation of acitivities within the framework of the TEMPUS project which WUS Austria and SUS BiH are implementing since 01. November 2004 in cooperation with the Georg-August University from Goettingen (Germnany) and the Ministry of Civil Affairs B&H. This project aims at supporting of the promotion of Bologna Process and strengthening the capacities of the academic community in B&H that is working on incorporating Bologna principles in their higher education systems, but as well as other key players that are actively participating and following all that is happening in the field of higher education. More information about the project can be found on the web site As a result of our seminar that was intended for the wider academic community and for the Ministries of education held in June 2005, and our experiences with the way B-H media are informing the public about the Bologna Process and its Principles so far, SUS BiH and WUS Austria decided to organize an informative one-day seminar targeted at the representatives of B-H media.

The seminar was attended by 38 journalists and representatives of cantonal and entity ministries of education from all over B&H ... see list of participants

Moderator of the seminar was Nerzuk Ćurak, PhD (Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo), and the lecturers were Srebren Dizdar, PhD (President of the Steering Board SUS BiH), Zoran Selesković, LLB  (General Secretary of the University of Sarajevo) and   Dino Mujkić, MA (Regional Manager of WUS Austria).

The seminar was composed of three units:

  1. Basic terms and the social framework for the implementation of BP in B&H (Srebren Dizdar, PhD)
  2. The situation in B&H: The reform of the higher education and the integrated university (Zoran Selesković, LLB)
  3. The importance of the Academic Informative Service and the international cooperation (Dino Mujkić, MA)

Every lecturer had a brief presentation and opened a topic for discussion with the participants. This was an opportunity for the discussion on different matters related to the Bologna Process, its Principles and the implementation of the Higher Education Reform.

The seminar  dealt with the challenges faced by the main actors of the reform which include the status of the implementation of the Bologna Process on institutional level and being behind the schedule with the implementation of the reforms compared to other countries.

The presentations and discussions allowed the representatives of media and Ministries of Education to gain a better picture of the Bologna Process and basic Principles for its implementation in Europe and in B&H.

The seminar represented a contribution to a better understanding of the whole process on the part of the media and emphasized our intentions to provide the general public with precise and comprehensive information about the Bologna Process and the Higher Education Reform in B&H.


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